Does your get up and go press the snooze button 17 times?

Do you have a morning routine?

Alternately: do you have the desire to have a morning routine, but can’t seem to get out of bed with enough time to make it happen?

I’ve been there. Like the waxes and wanes of the moon, I flip in and out of my ability to do my morning routine. It’s the same one I’ve had for years, but sometimes a small change (like developing plantar fasciitis last year, stopping me from running) can get me right out of the habit.

It’s easier to stop a good habit than it is to start one.

It’s also easier to start a good habit (like, say, waking up at 5:30am) when the clocks change, like they did this past Sunday. I normally wake up at 6am, so waking up at 5:30 (the old 6:30) felt like sleeping in!

My morning routine consists of setting up the room with some essential oils in my diffuser, a lit candle and laying out my yoga mat. I begin with a series of stretches developed over the years, focusing primarily on areas where I need constant work (calves, for example - they are so tight! All of the time!). I like to play music while I stretch, and practise deep breathing. Radiohead’s Amnesiac is a solid morning favourite.

From there I end up standing on my head for a couple of minutes (easier than you think), and then a brief mindfulness meditation - I love to practise a Loving Kindness Meditation, but often it’s a simple emptying of the mind.

That’s it! It takes about 25 minutes, and I’ve already begun my day with something positive for myself.

It’s an especially great way to begin your day if you’re preparing for a presentation of some kind. A speech, a job interview, a meeting. The deep breathing and releasing of tension mean you can begin your day with a clear head, creating even more space to succeed.

I’d love to hear about YOUR morning routine - do you have one? Tell me in the comments! Do you want one? I’d be happy to share my stretches with you - sign up for my newsletter and then shoot me an email. I’ll pop it right back in your inbox.

Get your alarm set!


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