How to Survive Winter.

I’m not sure what city you live in, but here in Kingston, Ontario, Canada - winter is here. For a brief minute, I thought Disney+ had orchestrated all of this snow in anticipation of the Frozen 2 movie. But then I came back to reality and realized it’s probably just the environmental damage we’ve done to our world, creating an early and extended winter.

So here we are.

→ Chapped hands, chapped lips.

→ Dry throat, hoarse voice, coughing fits.

→ Dry nose.

→ Static cling, flyaway hair, constant shock.

→ Chilled air freezing your throat and lungs.

→ Sore body from shoveling.

→ Fatigue from the weather change.

→ Watering eyes from the icy wind.

I could go on, but we’re all in this icebreaker boat together, so you’re going through what I’m going through. And it stinks. (At least, we assume it stinks, but who can really know since our noses are frozen and congested.)

Thankfully, there are several ways to counteract the above wretchedness, and I’m gonna give you some help with that.

First and foremost, however, if you still haven’t downloaded my FREE public speaking guide: HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT: The 4 Key Elements to Move Past Fear and Speak Up in Any Situation, you really need to go get it. This will be your starting point towards the staving off of the way winter messes with us. Go to the Home page at and sign up for your free guide!

Have you done it, yet?


OK! Let’s get on top of this weather nonsense!

  1. Drink Water. Yes, your Mom and your bff and your teachers and your doctor and every single article you’ve ever read is right! Water helps your body function properly, it helps to remove toxins from your body, it keeps your skin and throat hydrated - I could go on and on, but in this weather, your number one MUST HAVE for the season is: water.

  2. Want to know what else water is good for? (Yep, it’s so important I’m giving it 2 bullet points) - dealing with a dry throat, a hoarse voice and coughing fits. There is nothing worse than trying to deliver a presentation through a coughing fit, or trying to have an effective and powerful voice when your vocal cords are inflamed and not allowing you the deep resonance (Optimum Pitch in the FREE guide) you know you can make.

  3. Static Cling. If you’re looking for environmentally friendly alternatives to dryer sheets, I am told that aluminum balls in the dryer can help. If you have the type of hair that can handle a little spritz of water, that can help reduce static. You know what else is good for static in your home? A humidifier. Moisture in the air (from… you guessed it.. water!) is also good for your lungs and your skin during these dry, dry times.

  4. If the chilly air is getting to you, try breathing through your nose. It gives it a little bit of time in your heater (your nose) before passing over your vocal cords and into your lungs.

  5. I will talk about my superhero duo for fixing your vocal problems until the end of time, but I’ve found NOTHING works as well to get your voice back in shape from some kind of vocal trauma (illness, vocal nodes, laryngitis, etc.) than a combo of zinc lozenges (found in the drug store) and slippery elm lozenges (my favourite brand is Thayer’s, and that is not a paid endorsement, believe me I’ve tried but they don’t return my emails). Zinc can reduce inflammation and can even kill certain bacteria, and slippery elm mixes with your saliva to create a coating for your vocal cords to protect them against further friction. They are the dream team of voice health. The Wonder Woman and the Batgirl of your vocal aspirations.

    *please always read the instructions to make sure these products are right for you, and NEVER take zinc on an empty stomach. Unless, of course, you like feeling like garbage.

  6. If your body is feeling slow, sluggish, sore from the extra weight of winter clothing, the neverending sidewalk to shovel, the giant boots you’re now wearing, might I recommend a morning routine? Some kind of 10-15 minute stretch each morning to warm up those muscles and get the blood flowing. (Yet again, drinking water can help dissipate the build up of lactic acid in your muscles, which is what makes them sore. You’re welcome.) If you’d like a copy of what I do in the morning, reply to this email and ask! I’ve got a handy PDF I’d love to share with you.

  7. Just always have hand lotion and lip balm. Just do. Wear mitts. People who love their bodies don’t let their lips and hands crack.

  8. Are you tired from the seasonal change and extra physical activity? GO TO BED EARLIER. Just do that. Sleep deprivation causes: depression, a decrease in your mental alertness, irritation, fatigue (duh), and slowly starts to mess with all of your physical functions. Make a choice to do well by yourself, and go to bed earlier.

  9. If your eyes water from the wind and the cold like mine do, I recently discovered the benefits of a parka hood. It tends to break up the wind before it hits your eyes. Be careful, though, it takes away some of your line of vision and your ability to hear things clearly, so be extra alert for cars and other hazards when you’re walking with your parka hood up.

Ultimately, we’re here, it’s winter, you might as well do your best to take care of yourself. I mean, not to be a jerk, but this could go on until May, and that’s six months away. (I know, I’m crying, too.)

If you have more tips and tricks you think I should know about, please comment below, or hit reply and share - I’m always looking for tools to add to my tool box.

Now, go fill up your water bottle, slap on some lip balm, put on a hat, and get shoveling!

Work With Me

I'm a public speaking coach focusing on positive ways that you can leave your fears behind and speak up in any situation.
Let’s work together. Whether in-person, or via Skype, I know that I can help you unlock some of the problems that are holding you back.
I want you to know something, and this is important:
No fear is too small.
I have heard it all before.
Are you worried about blushing? I know solutions! Are you great speaking off the cuff, but terrible at reading a speech? I've got the perfect tool for you. Does anxiety hold you back from getting up there? I know exactly how to handle that.

Write to me today and let me know what you're looking for!

Or, if you’re ready to work together - sign up for your coaching package here, and self-schedule some time!


Carving Out Time To Practise


Does your get up and go press the snooze button 17 times?