Life Lessons from a No-Travel Vacation

Before I begin, I wrote an almost-complete blog post earlier today. Then I had an incredible mindset session with Ananda Whittier (Manifest With Ananda). It brought up some murky, yucky feelings (which sort of suck in the moment, but are important to go through), and then my computer went blank. I took that as a sign that I was supposed to feel those feelings.

Finally my husband figured out the issue (my computer wakes up in sleep mode, haha, after being turned off and on) and here I am, having lost two hours post-vacation in the middle of a very busy week. (Speaking Essentials workshop Tuesday, WE-CAN Elevator Pitch workshop Wednesday, Public Speaking Club Thursday.)

And I didn’t like what I’d written. So I’m writing it again.

Here’s what I learned from vacation:

  1. Cancel everything that isn’t vacation. I still took some calls and had sessions, and I wish I’d just completely cleared my plate so that I could sink into the fluffy, nurturing cushions of relaxation and brain drain.

  2. It takes me 2-3 days to get out of “go” mode and into “slow” mode. And once I’m in slow mode, I don’t want to do anything that isn’t sleeping, napping, reading, snuggling, eating with the occasional distanced visit with friends.

  3. I need to take more breaks like this because I was in a burnout. Also: we’re all probably in a burnout. 2020 has been intense. It was intense BEFORE Covid-19 hit. It will be intense for several more months. If you need a break, and you can do it, do it.

  4. You can vacation at home and still get the same benefits as you would from an away vacation. I assumed that not being able to go to hotels or restaurants, travel or try things like fun parks, museums, bowling alleys would mean a pretty boring vacation. We had a few humdrum moments, but you truly can make your own fun, and we did.

  5. Shetland is one of the best shows around.

What are your vacation rhythms? How are you doing - how are you really doing? Can you take some time off to just be and let your brain dump a little bit? I hope you can! Let me know in the comments!


Wanna talk about working together? Yes!! I’d love to. Schedule a 15 minute chat with me (no charge, obviously) to see if we’d be a good match, or leave a comment below - I’ll respond.


Check out my 60 minute Speaking Essentials workshop on August 11!


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