Why You Should Sign Up For Big Voices For Women This May

I’ve been avoiding writing my regular newsletter because: pandemic.

Let me explain - right now, I have it easy. Or, at least, relatively easy compared to what so many people are going through. There is loss of income, loss of livelihood, isolation, anxiety and worry. We are getting so many emails, and do I really need to add to that growing list of electronic overwhelm?

Sure, I signed up for an expensive business course in order to make ubu skills into the business I’ve always dreamed it would be. Sure, it feels like so much of the momentum I had gained is now suspended as we wait for whatever the new world will look like. But… I’m honestly not as worried about that as you might think.

Over the course of the last few weeks, as I’ve been diving in to the course by Jenny Shih (it’s called Make It Work Online, and if you’ve ever considered starting your own business, I can’t recommend this highly enough.)

And we’re getting into it. Why are we here? What have we come for? What brings us joy, real joy, in the work that we do? What lights us up? Alternately, what doesn’t light us up? I’ve been revisiting my “story” - how I got here, what I’m here to do. It brings up a lot of feelings, but it also has reminded me why I’m really here.

Women’s Voices Will Change The World

Here’s why I’m not worried about ubu skills: I believe that women’s voices will change the world. And I know my part in that is to help you learn how to speak. I want the next round of global leaders to bring a fresh and positive perspective to how we run this planet. I want compassion, strength, grit, emotional intelligence, people over money. I want to hear from the people who know how to work hard (actually work hard). I want leaders who have had to earn their positions. I want people who have gone hungry so they know what that percentage of the population actually feels like.

I want you, whoever you are, wherever you are, in your own way, big or small, to confidently speak up and say the truth. At work, at home - everywhere. If you have something to say, I want you to say it!

That’s what I want for me, for my daughter, for this world.

Most women are not comfortable speaking. I’ve coached hundreds of women and almost every single one can recount to me one time (or several) where they felt like their voice didn’t matter. That people weren’t listening to them. That they were afraid to speak up because of backlash they might face. That they had worked so hard to get to where they were at, if they made a mistake, they would lose all they had worked for.

Big Voices For Women

I teach systems to get you past anxiety and fear. I teach systems to manage stress, how to hold your body using the Alexander Technique so that you have a confident physical presence. I teach you how to use your Optimum Pitch so that you can have a commanding voice. I teach you to read from a page so that you can connect with your audience and speak words exactly how you’d like them spoken.

And I know what it’s like to be a woman in this world. I know how daunting it can be to venture into traditionally male dominated places and have to prove yourself. I know that historically our voices have been made fun of, we’ve been labelled as the weaker sex, and we’ve been kept out of places because of who we are. And I know that despite all of the positive gains we’ve made, we still come up against this stuff.

This is why this course is so important to me, and why, if you’re thinking of taking it, I really hope you do. I care so much about this, and I want every single person that I coach to leave empowered with a life changing skill set, able to take on challenges you never thought possible.

Speak Up

The world needs you to speak up at that staff meeting. We need you to apply for that job a bit higher up. We need you to turn around, go back into Starbucks and tell the barista that you got the wrong drink. We need you to speak at your Daughter’s wedding, or your Dad’s funeral. We need to hear your voice. And the more of us who step up for this, the more visible we will be. And we will change the world, slowly, but surely.


If this sounds good to you, check out Big Voices For Women. Join our intimate group (max 12) of women this May, and do something truly positive for yourself.

Have any questions? I always want to answer them! Email me, or ask in the comments below.


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