I have a LOT of blog posts to look through! If you’re looking for something specific, like “shadow work” or “text mapping”, I suggest using Google with your search words and “ubu skills”.
NOTE: I’ve recently migrated my free content to the tools section of this website. If a link to a free guide is broken, you’ll find the resource in tools.

Why We Need To Be Visible
It’s coming up in all areas of my life right now. It’s a hot topic, and especially for women. It’s difficult, it’s complicated, sometimes it’s dangerous. It’s the need to show up and be seen.
We are in the middle of a global pandemic - most of us around the world have never experienced this kind of shut down, and certainly never in lived history has the entire world stopped.

Why You Should Sign Up For Big Voices For Women This May
I’ve been avoiding writing my regular newsletter because: pandemic.
Let me explain - right now, I have it easy. Or, at least, relatively easy compared to what so many people are going through. There is loss of income, loss of livelihood, isolation, anxiety and worry. We are getting so many emails, and do I really need to add to that growing list of electronic overwhelm?

Elevate Your Status - 5 Ways that Women Can Get Ahead
My passion in my role as a public speaking coach and workshop facilitator is to elevate women’s voices. This is why I created the Big Voices for Women workshops. The same goes for the under-represented in any form: people of colour, Indigenous people and racialized people of any variety; differently abled and physically challenged people; people on the spectrum; people managing mental health issues; people within the LGBTQ2 realm; people facing poverty. We’ve heard from the same people in power for hundreds of years, and look at where we are.