I have a LOT of blog posts to look through! If you’re looking for something specific, like “shadow work” or “text mapping”, I suggest using Google with your search words and “ubu skills”.

NOTE: I’ve recently migrated my free content to the tools section of this website. If a link to a free guide is broken, you’ll find the resource in tools.

Music As A Tool
Megan Hamilton Megan Hamilton

Music As A Tool

It’s pretty incredible. Just like that whiff of something or other that brings you back to your Grandmother’s house, or your favourite childhood stuffed animal.

If you’ve been with me for a while, you’ll now have some tools in your toolbox that you can use for presentations, office meetings, difficult conversations, general interactions.

And now I want to talk about the ways that you can use music, especially at this point in history.

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Big Voices for Kids
Megan Hamilton Megan Hamilton

Big Voices for Kids

Fast forward to 2020. I was recently asked to develop a series of presentation skills and public speaking lessons for a network of kids across various countries in Africa. And then, out of the blue, a friend (who’s keeping her daughters home for now) asked if I ever worked with kids, as she felt like that would be a good enhancement for her online component.

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How to Deliver a Great Presentation When Everything is Going Wrong
Megan Hamilton Megan Hamilton

How to Deliver a Great Presentation When Everything is Going Wrong

But - on this particular Zoom call, I couldn’t upload the doc. I have done this dozens of times over the past several months, and it was not an option. Not only that, I’d created a working document for crafting an Elevator Pitch as well, and I wasn’t going to be able to upload that, either. 2 critical documents for my workshop.

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How To Prepare For A Job Interview
Megan Hamilton Megan Hamilton

How To Prepare For A Job Interview

You’ve been pounding the pavement (or… what’s the internet equivalent? Clicking the keys?) searching for a job. This might be your first job, or you might be looking for something better. Regardless, you’ve secured a job interview. Congratulations!

And now the preparation begins.

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Carving Out Time To Practise
Megan Hamilton Megan Hamilton

Carving Out Time To Practise

More often than not, a big struggle for my clients is trying to find time to practise the skills they learn in our sessions.

Whether it’s students with a jam-packed course load, parents with full-time jobs, or professionals trying to improve their skill sets, most of us are already over-scheduled. Often, simply trying to find a small bit of free time to unwind feels like moving mountains, never mind adding extra tasks to your to do list.

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