Big Voices for Kids

A couple of years ago, I developed a public speaking workshop for kids. I used a lot of the same principles that I use for adults, but used different (and more fun) ways relaying the same information. I found meditations and mindfulness exercises specifically for kids, talked about using a Big Voice, and taught them how to stand tall.

I ran 2 workshops out of my garage, and then promptly never did it again. Not for any reason, but life took over and I focused on my coaching for adults.

Fast forward to 2020. I was recently asked to develop a series of presentation skills and public speaking lessons for a network of kids across various countries in Africa. And then, out of the blue, a friend (who’s keeping her daughters home for now) asked if I ever worked with kids, as she felt like that would be a good enhancement for her online component.

So with that in mind, I’m officially re-opening my Big Voices for Kids workshops (via Zoom only). There will be 2 ways of organizing - having me work directly with your own kids, or else doing group workshops. The latter will be more cost effective, and the former will mean more dedicated time to your own kids. If you’re interested, shoot me an email and we can figure out the details.

In the meantime, let me share some tips that you can share with your kids (also a convenient handout):

  1. Start with loving yourself. Think about a person you love – somebody who takes care of you and makes you feel good – it could even be a stuffie. Then think about that feeling, and feel it for yourself, like a hug on the inside. Feel it in your belly and then breathe into your belly.

  2. Remember that what you have to say is important, and that people want to hear it. Use your eyes to look at people, use your belly to push out a big voice, use your mouth and your face to enunciate your words, use your body to stand tall, use your breath to keep you relaxed and focused.

  3. Alexander stance – feet hip width apart and spreading into the ground, knees relaxed and unlocked, hips up and out of their sockets, chest up and out, shoulders relaxed and spreading slightly from your spine, neck free and easy, head moving upwards.

  4. Breathing exercise: breathe in for 3, out for 6, Alexander stance, lungs opening on all sides like a beach ball.

  5. Superhero power poses – pick your favourite superhero and stand like them for 2 minutes to relax and feel grounded, like a tall building or a strong tree.

    Further Reading (for parents):

    The Inside Story of How Slow Breathing Calms You Down:

    Breathe Like a Bear by Kira Wiley (kids breathing, focusing, mindfulness book)

    Alexander Technique:

    Power Poses by Amy Cuddy (TED talk):

Any other tips? Let me know in the comments! And if you do this work with your kids, please let me know.


Want to work with me? Schedule a 15 minute chat with me and let’s make a plan!


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