Practise - Public Speaking Club

There are so many connotations to the word. There are law practises. An overarching word for a general theory of doing something is also called a practise. You can practise safe sex or yoga.

But the one I’m referring to is the act of doing something over and over again until it becomes comfortable. Like learning a new song on the guitar or piano, really building your confidence in public speaking requires practise. Actually doing it.


One thing about this pandemic we are currently trying to chart, is that we seem to have more time than we used to. Travel time is minimal to non existent. This can free up several hours during your week that you did not have before. But we also have to factor in exhaustion, worry, stress, newness.

I was telling a friend the other day - one of the reasons I love to travel is that I have to constantly forge my path. I don’t know the territory, so it’s ongoing exploration. Days go by as quick as a snap and by bedtime, you’re so ready.

I’m finding this lockdown to be similar. By about 8pm, I am pretty much done. Every once in a while I have evening obligations (like this White Fragility book club I joined, and highly recommend), but I’m trying to keep those to a minimum as well, aside from catching up with loved ones.

So, in the end, do we actually have more time? I don’t really feel like I do, do you?


And yet, we are still chugging along. We still have goals, we still have obligations - many of us still have media interviews, speeches and presentations to deliver. And so we have to figure out how to practise. We have to both find the time, as well as follow through.

Public Speaking Club

That’s one of the reasons I’m starting Public Speaking Club. This will be a weekly or twice-a-month series where I lead short sessions and you can come for practise and feedback. Each hour long session is divided into 6 x 10 minute chunks, and the slots are given in order to those who comment on the Event page. Think of this as an opportunity like Toastmasters, but with a different style (using my public speaking system, outlined in my free guide) and without any hosting obligations.

Come prepared with something - about 3-5 minutes is a good length, or come to observe. You’ll get something out of both scenarios!

You in?


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I help women calm their nerves, speak authoritatively and feel confident when it's time to speak.

I help professionals update their stature, read speeches while connecting with their audience and keep a steady focus.

I also help groups of people learn how to be incredible communicators by teaching excellent presentation tools.

If you’re ready to become a master presenter, I have a host of 1:1 coaching packages, group workshops or courses designed to help you confidently speak in any situation. Curious about how I can help you get past your public speaking fears? Click here to learn more: Work With Me.


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