Let’s Take Care

Well this could be a week to remember. And there’s something safe feeling about being on the Monday side of what’s to come, because whatever it is, it’s probably going to have some big ramifications that go along with it. (We know it likely won’t be easy, at the very least.)

So I wanted to focus this week on softness. On being gentle - with yourself and with others. Regardless of what country the election is happening in, it affects us around the world. And like the pandemic, we all feel it.

Let me offer you some things that I’ve got that can help keep your mind on other things, take care of your body, and allow you to find moments of relaxation and calm.

  1. ubu pod is here! My new podcast is out and ready to rip. My first guest is the magnificent Jerico Mandybur, tarot expert, self help superstar and spiritual coach. Go to your favourite listening platform and type in “ubu skills”, hit subscribe and enjoy! (For show notes and more info, click here.)

  2. Take some time to practise deep and controlled breathing. Controlled breathing sends a signal to your brain that you’re not in fight/flight/freeze mode so your brain stops sending cortisol and adrenaline into your bloodstream (causing all of the physical effects of stress: blushing, elevated heartrate, sweating, fuzzy thinking, etc.) Use my animated gif in the Tools section of this website to breathe along with. Before you use the 5-5-10 pattern in the gif, start with 3-3-6 and then 4-4-8 on your own and ease in. Remember to breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth, and deepen your breath (expanding your rib cage) with each new intake.

  3. Go for a walk. Go for 20 walks. Plug in your favourite music or podcast (hint) and move your body and allow your mind to focus on something else. (That reminds me that I haven’t done a #tubuesdaywalks post in a while! Look for it tomorrow.)

  4. Stretch. Take 20-30 minutes and stretch out your body (and take deep breaths). You can grab my stretching routine, based on years of picking up different things that work for me, again in the Tools section.

  5. Talk to people who love you. Text, DM, email, phone, zoom - technology can be so exhausting, but it can also allow us to connect with the people who really know us and love us. We need to stay connected, focused and surround ourselves with loving thoughts and being loved.

  6. Tell yourself that you love you. Just do it. Right now. Say (out loud or internally) “I love you.” I did that all day yesterday, and it made me feel very warm.

  7. Do small productive tasks. Clean the bathroom. Do your laundry. Take out the recycling. Clean up some old files on your computer. Tidy your desk. Cook a few batches of food. Get healthy groceries (and don’t forget the fun food - treats are important, too!)

  8. Rest.

Just remember to be present and on purpose as much as possible, and also remember everything we’ve learned so far in 2020. Regardless of what happens, you’ve learned so much this year - about who you are, about what you want, about how you want to live your life going forward. Those choices still stand even if the worst case scenario happens. Your decision to keep going and to build upwards is still there. No election outcome has the power to change your inner resolve.

You got this. We’ve all got this. We will be okay. No. Matter. What. xo

So what are you going to do to take care of yourself this week? Let me know in the comments!


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