Welcome Witch Wave Lovers!

I’m so happy you’re here! I’m also a huge fan of the WW podcast, and have learned about so many fascinating people over the years.

An equal parts raw roadmap and warm hug, Me and My Shadow is the perfect entry point into the magical and revealing world of shadow work, from someone who truly walks the walk—and who’ll hold your hand as you find your own path to a more wholly integrated and confident you.

Jerico Mandybur, Author, Podcaster, TEDx Speaker, Tarot Reader

My Shadow Work methodology began with a personal quest to try and figure out where some of my fears and self doubt were coming from. As a speaking, visibility and confidence coach, professional tarot reader, musician and entrepreneur, I knew there were some things lurking in my shadow that needed tending to.

Shadow work kept popping up all over for me, so I started to pay attention to the signs. I began to dig in and learn about different ways of practising shadow work and different folks who used it, and I developed a method that changed my life.

Rooted in compassion, self exploration and the belief that a deep and honest relationship with yourself can help you thrive, I put together Me And My Shadow.

I hope that you’ll get a great deal from this workbook, and please take what works for you, and leave what doesn’t. If you’re like me, and want to combine shadow work with tarot, that’s amazing! If you don’t, that’s ok, too!

Please bookmark this page, and once you grab the workbook, I’ll be sending an email every so often to check in. Should you decide that you want to work together, please remember that Witch Wave listeners get 10% off any of my coaching offerings! That includes Dynamic Presence (3 months of 1:1), Thriving Visibility (4 months of a hybrid group and 1:1 for small business owners) or Big Voices Masterclass (4 weeks of speaking, visibility and confidence training and coaching in a group setting).

All you need to do is email me with “I’m a Witch Wave listener” in the subject and let me know which program you’re interested in.

Without further ado, here is Me and My Shadow.

With love,