I have a LOT of blog posts to look through! If you’re looking for something specific, like “shadow work” or “text mapping”, I suggest using Google with your search words and “ubu skills”.

NOTE: I’ve recently migrated my free content to the tools section of this website. If a link to a free guide is broken, you’ll find the resource in tools.

Interested in Podcasting? Try these Vocal Tips!
Megan Hamilton Megan Hamilton

Interested in Podcasting? Try these Vocal Tips!

Recently, I had the pleasure of co-presenting a webinar called Podcast Voice Work: How to Sound Amazing. If you missed it, it was recorded and you can watch it here.

I thought it would be helpful to write out the highlights in a blog post for those who are mulling over the idea of starting a podcast. There are lots of resources out there for how to structure your podcast, how to batch record, who to look for in a guest, and how to market your podcast. What I want to talk about is how to speak.

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