I have a LOT of blog posts to look through! If you’re looking for something specific, like “shadow work” or “text mapping”, I suggest using Google with your search words and “ubu skills”.

NOTE: I’ve recently migrated my free content to the tools section of this website. If a link to a free guide is broken, you’ll find the resource in tools.

Figure Out Who You Are, And Be.
Megan Hamilton Megan Hamilton

Figure Out Who You Are, And Be.

If you’ve just started to follow me or read my blog posts, this might be surprising, but I used to resist being myself online, in my role as a public speaking coach.

On my music accounts (did you know I’m also a musician?), I’d swear (something I do fairly regularly in real life - I like emphasis ;) ), talk about feminism and racism and things that mattered to me. I’d be silly and smart and not be bothered about my “professional image”.

However, the same was not true on my ubu skills accounts. I played it very safe. I felt that I needed to portray a professional neutrality in order to win over customers. Or at least, I thought I was playing it safe to be professional. The truth is: I was afraid.

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