I have a LOT of blog posts to look through! If you’re looking for something specific, like “shadow work” or “text mapping”, I suggest using Google with your search words and “ubu skills”.

NOTE: I’ve recently migrated my free content to the tools section of this website. If a link to a free guide is broken, you’ll find the resource in tools.

How to Deliver a Great Presentation When Everything is Going Wrong
Megan Hamilton Megan Hamilton

How to Deliver a Great Presentation When Everything is Going Wrong

But - on this particular Zoom call, I couldn’t upload the doc. I have done this dozens of times over the past several months, and it was not an option. Not only that, I’d created a working document for crafting an Elevator Pitch as well, and I wasn’t going to be able to upload that, either. 2 critical documents for my workshop.

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